For my first project/photoshoot I wanted to do something different. My first and only idea at first was "extremely creepy". Then miss told us to write 3 words that would describe how the project was looking in our minds. Mine were creepy, dark and magick (which is different from magic). I then found the Central Cemetery, which I found just perfect for what I had envisioned.
I asked my mom for the dresses (a black and a white one). I had a story in mind (which I'll explain) but the idea was that there is a girl who is alive, and another dead version of her. So I needed to show that somehow. I decided to pain the dead's girl face, all white with intense dark contour. The dress is also an indicator. It is a contrast from the white dress, which shows a clear difference between the two. But I still needed something to symbolize a common attribution. This is how the flower crown appeared .It shows that they are somehow related.
The idea behind the story is that the alive girl is taking part is dark rituals, she thinks that she finds her peace and closure in this. Would believe the cajoling words of the dead version. She was asked to come to the dark side, so they could be together. The wimpy mind of the girl trusts the dark side and ends up committing the big act.
I also needed to add some magic to the project so I added the fairy dust that you can see in the third picture. It is kinda self explanatory what I did for the other two. I was really inspired by a picture I saw on Pinterest, with really heavy red photoshopping. I though that it might look exaggerated but I actually ended up really liking that creepy vibe, a little twist from the classical black and white. Which I did for my second picture :)
The overall experience was kinda fun, I really enjoyed doing their make-up and taking the pictures. I also learnt that something like this is really expensive, even if it doesn't seem like that. I didn't have anything white enough to make the dead girl, that needed to be bought, also the dark face crayon that I used for her eyes. I also used a white one for the girl that is alive. But I'm not complaining, because I really like how they turned out.