I should start stating the obvious. Everything in the country got closed right around when we decided to film. We were lucky to even have filmed what we did because rich in a few days no one was allowed to leave the house. My school is in other city (Cluj Napoca) as my original city(Suceava), more specifically about 6 hours away. My parents were really worried for me and they really wanted me home as fast as possible, plus that my city was going into complete lockdown. We did not have the proper patience to film everything correctly, for example we had to film some lip sync shots, which we did not do together. We have all filmed ourselves at home. If we would have all been in the same city, for sure we would have filmed one more time, therefore having a clearer narative for the music video.
After getting home, I was in complete lockdown which was quite a stressful and unmotivating position to be in but I still needed to keep up with the school. I really hope it was good enough, observing the situation we are in and i am looking forward to seeing what the procedures will be in august/september when universities are about to start.